RMgmDB - Rodent Malaria genetically modified Parasites


Malaria parasiteP. berghei
TaggedGene model (rodent): PBANKA_0836800; Gene model (P.falciparum): Not available; Gene product: erythrocyte membrane associated protein 1 (EMAP1)
Name tag: 3x-myc
Phenotype Asexual bloodstage;
Last modified: 10 November 2024, 12:42
Successful modificationThe parasite was generated by the genetic modification
The mutant contains the following genetic modification(s) Gene tagging
Reference (PubMed-PMID number) Not published (yet)
MR4 number
Parent parasite used to introduce the genetic modification
Rodent Malaria ParasiteP. berghei
Parent strain/lineP. berghei ANKA
Name parent line/clone P. berghei ANKA cl15cy1
Other information parent lineA reference wild type clone from the ANKA strain of P. berghei (PubMed: PMID: 17406255).
The mutant parasite was generated by
Name PI/ResearcherHernandez S, Franke-Fayard B, Janse CJ, Bushell ESC
Name Group/DepartmentThe Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS)
Name InstituteUmeå University
Name of the mutant parasite
RMgm numberRMgm-5576
Principal namePbEMAP1-myc
Alternative namePbEMAP1::3xcMYC
Standardized nameexp. 1583
Is the mutant parasite cloned after genetic modificationYes
Asexual blood stageIn schizonts EMAP1-myc shows a location largely concentrated to the iRBC membrane.
EMAP1-myc is exported to the iRBC membrane in trophozoites and schizonts. EMAP1-myc is not detectable in ring forms.
Gametocyte/GameteNot tested
Fertilization and ookineteNot tested
OocystNot tested
SporozoiteNot tested
Liver stageNot tested
Additional remarks phenotype

The mutant expresses a C-terminal 3xcmyc-tagged version of EMAP1

Published in: bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.05.28.596273

Protein (function)
The emap1 gene (erythrocyte membrane associated protein 1; PBANKA_0836800) encodes an an protein that is exported into the cytoplasm of the host erythrocyte and shows a location at the surface membrane of infected erythrocytes. No orthologue has been identified in human malaria parasites.

In schizonts EMAP1-myc shows a location largely concentrated to the iRBC membrane.
EMAP1-myc is exported to the iRBC membrane in trophozoites and schizonts. EMAP1-myc is not detectable in ring forms.

Additional information
To determine the subcellular location of EMAP3 we generated a P. berghei mutant with a C-terminal triple-myc tag in the endogenous emap3 locus (RMgm-5574). In addition, we generated P. berghei mutants with triple-myc tagged EMAP2 (PBANKA_0836800; RMgm-5575) or EMAP1 (PBANKA_0316800; RMgm-5576) proteins that are known to be exported to the iRBC membrane or SMAC (PBANKA_0100600; RMgm-5577), which is known to be involved in P. berghei iRBC sequestration.

In schizonts EMAP3-myc and EMAP1-myc show a location largely concentrated to the iRBC membrane, while EMAP2-myc displayed a more diffuse localisation throughout the iRBC cytoplasm. SMAC-myc was also concentrated at the iRBC periphery but, in contrast to EMAP3 and EMAP1, it is present in distinct foci seemingly lining the inside of the iRBC.
To further investigate the location and timing of expression of EMAP3 we took samples from cultures containing roughly synchronised blood stages (ring, early trophozoite, late trophozoite, and schizont) and performed IFA to detect EMAP3-myc and EMAP1-myc. EMAP3 is expressed already in ring forms, where it appears closely associated with the nucleus (likely still residing in or close to the endoplasmic reticulum, ER).  Already in early trophozoites EMAP3-myc is found at the iRBC membrane and EMAP3 remains located at the iRBC membrane in schizonts. The active export of EMAP3 and the specificity of the EMAP3-myc signal at the iRBC membrane was verified by treatment with brefeldin A (BFA), which traps parasite proteins during transport between the ER and Golgi apparatus. As expected, BFA treatment inhibited export of EMAP3-myc and abolished EMAP3-myc iRBC membrane staining in mature parasite stages (schizonts/late trophozites). In younger parasite stages (rings), EMAP3-myc accumulated in close proximity to the parasite ER (visualised by co-staining of the ER-resident protein BiP (binding immunoglobulin protein), in both control and BFA treated parasites. EMAP3-myc expression and location closely mirrors that of EMAP1-myc, which is also exported to the iRBC membrane in trophozoites and schizonts.  A notable difference is that EMAP1-myc is not detectable in ring forms.

How EMAP3 is is oriented on the iRBC membrane was identified through surface shaving using trypsin and permeabilisation with Triton X-100. EMAP3-myc is detectable without prior permeabilisation, demonstrating that the C-terminal end of the protein containing the myc tag is exposed on the iRBC surface. This is supported by the observation that the EMAP3-myc signal is lost upon treatment with trypsin. In contrast, EMAP1-myc could only be detected when the cell is permeabilised, indicating that the C-terminus of EMAP1 is not exposed on the surface of the iRBC.  Despite its association with the iRBC membrane, EMAP1 lacks predicted transmembrane domains and the orientation of the protein at the iRBC membrane was not further studied.

To analyse the orientation and location at the iRBC membrane we stained the iRBC with BODIPY TR ceramide to visualise membranes and/or N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS)-ester that binds to protein dense regions.  UEx-M analysis confirms that EMAP3-myc localises to the iRBC membrane in mature schizonts, where it co-localised with the BODIPY-stained RBC membrane. EMAP1-myc could also be observed in close proximity to the iRBC membrane, however the EMAP1-myc staining in UEx-M was more widespread and was present more widely across the host cell cytoplasm. In addition, in agreement with IFA results, SMAC-myc was concentrated in distinct patches, seemingly located just under the iRBC membrane. Taken together, these analyses show that EMAP3 is exported into the iRBC where it is anchored as a multi-pass transmembrane domain protein with its C-terminus exposed on the surface of the iRBC.

Evidence is presented for:
- EMAP3 interacts with EMAP1 but not with SMAC at the iRBC membrane

Other mutants

  Tagged: Mutant parasite with a tagged gene
Details of the target gene
Gene Model of Rodent Parasite PBANKA_0836800
Gene Model P. falciparum ortholog Not available
Gene producterythrocyte membrane associated protein 1
Gene product: Alternative nameEMAP1
Details of the genetic modification
Name of the tag3x-myc
Details of taggingC-terminal
Additional remarks: tagging
Commercial source of tag-antibodies
Type of plasmid/construct(Linear) plasmid single cross-over
PlasmoGEM (Sanger) construct/vector usedNo
Modified PlasmoGEM construct/vector usedNo
Plasmid/construct map
Plasmid/construct sequence
Restriction sites to linearize plasmid
Selectable marker used to select the mutant parasitetgdhfr
Promoter of the selectable markereef1a
Selection (positive) procedurepyrimethamine
Selection (negative) procedureNo
Additional remarks genetic modificationThe emap1-myc (PBANKA_0836800, pL1594), emap2-myc (PBANKA_0316800, pL2358) and smac-myc (PBANKA_0100600, pL1435) tagging vectors were generated by replacing the mCherry tag with a 3x-myc tag in existing C-terminal tagging vectors carrying the tgdhfr/ts selection marker. The vectors were linearised prior to transfection using NdeI (pL1594), ClaI (pL2358) or NdeI (pL1435). The resulting 3x-myc tagging vectors were transfected either into PbANKA cl15cy1 reference line, (emap1-myc, line 1583 and emap3-myc, line 3084), mCherry_Luc (emap2-myc, line 3296) or GFP_Luc, (smac-myc, line 1413).
Additional remarks selection procedure
Primer information: Primers used for amplification of the target sequences  Click to view information
Primer information: Primers used for amplification of the target sequences  Click to hide information
Sequence Primer 1
Additional information primer 1
Sequence Primer 2
Additional information primer 2
Sequence Primer 3
Additional information primer 3
Sequence Primer 4
Additional information primer 4
Sequence Primer 5
Additional information primer 5
Sequence Primer 6
Additional information primer 6